Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shena's Visit

It has been wonderful having Shena and Reina for a visit. It is going to be very sad having them leave tomorrow. Too bad they like the weather in Costa Rica so much, it is so far away. Everyone write Shena and tell her to come back really, really soon. (signed Mar and Shena as Mom is sleeping) RRRRR

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Youth Fishing Day

Matthew and Savannah at the Youth fishing day sponsored by the ODFW.

isn't she beautiful

taken at Alton Baker park when we took Matthew & Savannah to Youth fishing day, sponsored by the ODFW.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hey Y'all, Mar Here!

I was weeding out the front flower beds. Here are some pictures.

This is a sample of the "before" choked with grass and weeds.

A wheelbarrow of weeds pulled from the second flower bed tier.

The "after" picture. I have added some of Dad's geraniums and we will also add pansies up front, some mari golds, and some red sunflowers in the back of the first tier. I have planted wild flowers among the irises in the back tier. Mom wanted the wildflowers.